
Reliable Shipping Service

We ensure safe and timely delivery of your new Doberman puppy right to your doorstep. Experience excellence in shipping.

Nanny Service offered by The Exclusive Champion Doberman

These Pet Nanny’s fly with your Doberman puppy on the airplane and escorts your puppy from Us,
and Hand Delivers the puppy to you at the airport. No Cargo for your Doberman puppy. Your baby is seated with their Pet Nanny on the airplane and never leaves their side, being cared for all the way home.

Most transports are completed the same day within a few hours.

For every Doberman puppy that is in their care longer than 6 hours,
they providing food, playtime, socializing and a bath before they travel.

Standard Shipping

The Exclusive Champion Doberman always welcomes PICK UP, but sometimes the distance is just too far to drive.

That’s why we offer shipping for your Doberman puppy for sale. American Airline Cargo or Delta Cargo are usually available all over the USA. We also ship now to Canada!!! Ask for pricing.

It is the buyers responsibility to pay for all shipping costs. Dogs are shipped in the cargo hold of planes.

Puppies must be at least 8 weeks old to ship.

Expect to pay around $500 (which includes Air Fare, Crate and Health Certificate) for a puppy, more for an older dog. Prices may vary depending on the airlines, size of dog & weather conditions. A health certificate issued from a licensed vet is required for air travel.

The Puppy will Be shipped in a re-usable appropriate Sized crate. With a Food And Water cup and padding in the bottom of the crate.

Airlines may refuse animals for shipping if the weather is extremely hot or cold at the city of origin, final destination or any stops in between. Please Understand that we will do our best to get the right flight for your puppy.

Shipping a Puppy to you requires me to make several phone calls to airlines, a trip to the vet, a trip to buy the crate, and a trip to the airport. This is Time consuming!

A health certificate is required from a licensed veterinarian. Paperwork must be organized and the crate prepared. I can usually have all this done within a day or two depending on my schedule and getting a vet appointment.

In Most cases Each flight always has a connecting Flight, so the puppy will be transferred from one plane to another. In My experience and shipping Doberman Puppies for over 10 years, I have never had anything bad happen to any of my puppies. The flights are usually quick depending on where you are located and no trauma is done to the puppy. They arrive Safe and Happy to get out and meet their New Owners, Sometimes the whole newness of the experience may require a bit of reassuring from you the new parents on arrival.

I understand that this will add considerably to the cost of your puppy but please do not ask me to reduce the price of the puppy because you have to pay for shipping. You are in essence, asking me to pay the shipping for you. Shipping is very labor intensive and time consuming for me (not to mention The expense of gas to make the drives).

When puppy is 8 to 10 weeks old, a full or balance payment is due prior the booking of the flight

Usually within the next few days we are able to find a proper flight for your puppy

We will provide you with Airline name, booking number, flight numbers and arrival time.

One day prior arrival I will contact you to confirm the flight.

On the day of the shipping I will contact you as soon your puppy is checked in successfully What should you bring to the airport?

Photo ID for the person listed to receive the Doberman puppy (which is the buyer, unless you told me otherwise). Water to offer the puppy at the airport or at your vehicle. There will be a food and water dish attached to the inside of the carrier, so you don’t need a bowl.

A collar (8+” generally fits) and leash to allow the puppy to exercise a little before the drive home, and for potty stops.

Baby wipes or a couple wet wash cloths to wipe off the puppy’s feet, as they might be soiled from the trip. Our Doberman’s don’t normally potty in their “homes,” but generally, the travel time is longer than they can hold it.

A plastic garbage bag or grocery bag to dump the soiled bedding from the travel carrier into for disposal.

A clean towel or something soft and cuddly to put into the carrier for your drive home from the airport.

Please be at the airport immediately upon your puppy’s arrival! It is best for your puppy to be picked up immediately, and also the airline personnel get very nervous if you are not waiting there.

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